Sunday, September 4, 2011

How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet's Life, Survey Asks

The Kroger Company recently polled more than 300 pet owners to determine their attitudes about veterinary expenditures and pet insurance.

The survey revealed that a majority of pet owners (61%) would be willing to spend between $100 and $1,000 on medical procedures to save their dog or cat's life. Fifteen percent of those surveyed said they would be willing to spend between $1,000 and $3,000 for medical life-saving procedures for their pets while 10% said they would spend more than three-thousand dollars.

Participants in the survey were also asked what they fear most about their pet's health. Nineteen percent of cat owners fear kidney disease, 17% worry about cancer, and 10% are concerned with their cats getting injured in cat fights or fights with other animals. Twenty-seven percent of dog owners worry about cancer, 17% fear a hip, leg, or knee injury, and 16% are concerned about their dog getting hit by a car.

While only 2% of cat owners and 4% of dog owners said they currently have pet health insurance, 48% of cat owners and 61% of dog owners said they would consider buying pet insurance if it cost under $20 a month. In addition, about half, 55% of dog parents and 51% of cat parents said they would be interested in putting their pets on their own health insurance if it were allowed.

None of us want to think about how much we are willing or able to spend if our furry friends need a life-saving medical procedure, but it's an important decision to think about and prepare for. Do you know how much you would spend on a medical procedure to save your cat's life? What are you doing to prepare for medical emergencies? Have you considered getting your cat pet health insurance? Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section.


CatChannel: Survey Asks How Much Cat Owners Are Willing to Spend on Cat Vet Bills

Thursday, September 1, 2011

We Are Nurse Cats

Mama wanted us to post and let you know that she is sorry for not posting in a little while. She really hurt her ankle a few weeks ago and is waiting to hear what it wrong with it. We don't want it to be too bad because mama will have to wear that horrible big scary boot again! We hate the boot!

Mama should be getting a call from the foot surgeon soon to tell her what to do next. We will keep you updated.

We are trying to be good nurse cats for mama. We are following her around more and giving her extra love, hugs, and healing purrs. Carmine is trying to heal mama's ankle by sitting on it and purring, but I don't know if he is helping... I hope so!

Milita and Carmine