Friday, May 25, 2007

Carmine's "brother"

I know it has been an extremely long time since I have updated this blog. My apologies.

Yesterday I stopped into the PetSmart adoption center and saw some adorable cats. They all looked like they wanted to come home with me and I wanted to take them all home with me, too! I already have three, though in a small apartment, so I knew I wouldn't be able to take any more home.

However, I like going to see the kitties at the adoption center anyway. I think they need visitors, caring people to come and talk to them and love them.

There was one there who could have been Carmine's brother! He was in the bottom cage so I knelt down to talk to him and pet him. He kept sticking both of front paws out of the cage and grabbing my hand as if to say "take ME home!!". He was such a loving cat :)