Hi everybody, it's me, Giovanni!
Last week, Mama packed Tylan up in his carrier to take hims to acupuncture. But then hers grabbed me and put me in a carrier, too! Me was not amused.
Once at de vet, me busied myself trying to find a way out of de room to go back home while Tylan made himself comfortable on de floor and waited for de vet to come rub his belly.
Me was there to get a pedicure since Mama can't see well enough to do it herself at home. So, de tech took me to de back, which was really scary! When hers brought me back to Mama, hers said me was really brave. Once de tech put me on de floor, me wedged myself between de bench and de wall while me waited for Tylan to have his acupuncture.
Mama was talking de vet about me. She said they found some kind of bump on my foot.
As Tylan was getting his pedicure, Mama picked me up and set me on de table. And then came de needle.....it poked my foot bump, and de vet went away for a few minutes.
And then hers came back and gave Mama de news.... Me will let Mama tell you about it.